What a great start to a beautiful weekend!
Not a cloud in the sky, and a cool autumn breeze..
perfect for painting!
I took a break from my fireplace mantel today.
Yesterday, I put the 3rd and final coat of paint on
and started to shabby it up.. she's coming along
really nice, and I can't wait for it to be done
to show ya'll! But, today, my arms were just
plain killing me from yesterdays project.
So, today, I thought I'd tackle something smaller.
I bought this a few days ago:
What a great chandy it is, prisms and all!
(Yes, I had the shop owner hook it up
and plug it in so I knew it worked! LOL)
I took off all the prisms, cleaned it up
and used 3 cans of flat white spray paint.
While I was waiting for it to dry,
I washed and dried all the prisms.
After the paint had dried
I took sandpaper and shabbied..
and shabbied some more..
Brushed off all the dust,
put back all the prisms,
and got this!
Originally I had bought this with
the intent to bring it to my booth
and sell.. but, I just don't think
I can part with it!!
I have to wait until Mr. Ruffles
comes home from a business trip
before it can get hung up..
So, for now, it's hanging on
the back of one of the kitchen chairs... LOL
I promise to take another photo
when it's hung up in our house properly..
From that.. to this!